How to Clean Your Cannabis Bong for Cheap Using Isopropyl Alcohol and Rock Salt

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    Cannabis bongs are a popular way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis. However, over time, they can become clogged with residue, leading to a less enjoyable smoking experience. It’s important to clean your bong regularly to ensure that it remains in good condition and that you’re getting the full benefits of your cannabis. In this article, we’ll explore how to clean your cannabis bong using isopropyl alcohol and rock salt.

    Gathering Materials Before beginning the cleaning process, it’s important to gather all the necessary materials. You will need isopropyl alcohol, rock salt, and hot water (Not Boiling). You can find these materials at most drugstores and supermarkets. When purchasing isopropyl alcohol, look for a solution that is at least 90% pure to ensure that it’s effective in cleaning your bong.

    Preparing the Bong for Cleaning

    Before you can begin cleaning your bong, you need to remove any remaining water and debris from it. Dump the water out of the bong and remove any leftover cannabis debris. Make sure to remove the bowl and any other removable parts of the bong.

    Cleaning the Bong

    Once you’ve prepared the bong, it’s time to start the cleaning process. Mix the isopropyl alcohol and rock salt in a container or directly into your glass bong. The amount of each material needed will depend on the size of your bong. A good rule of thumb is to use one tablespoon of rock salt for every inch of the bong. Pour the solution into the bong until it is as far as it can go and cover the openings of the bong and leave for 3 hours (Longer depending how long since the last clean, if it hasnt been clean for months it may be an idea to leave the solution in overnight).

    After 3 hours gently shake the bong to agitate the solution and ensure that it reaches all parts of the bong. The rock salt will work to scrub away any residue and the isopropyl alcohol will dissolve any oils or build-up. You can also use a pipe cleaner or cotton swab to scrub any hard-to-reach areas.

    Rinsing and Drying the Bong After shaking the bong, dump the cleaning solution out and rinse it thoroughly with hot water. Make sure to rinse the bong several times to ensure that all of the cleaning solution is removed. Finally, dry the bong completely before using it again. A good way to dry your bong is to place it upside down on a towel or paper towel.


    Cleaning your cannabis bong using isopropyl alcohol and rock salt is an effective way to ensure that it remains in good condition and that you’re getting the full benefits of your cannabis. By following these simple steps, you can keep your bong clean and extend its lifespan. Remember to clean your bong regularly to ensure that you’re getting the best smoking experience possible.

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